Apreo 2 SEM

Advanced materials characterization labs require access to the latest techniques and will push analytical tools, including SEMs, to the extremes of their capabilities. Most of these labs are multi-user facilities that accommodate users with varying degrees of experience. Time on the microscope is precious, and excessive time spent on maintenance, alignments, training, or image optimization needs to be avoided.

    Categories: , Product ID: 2412


    The new Thermo Scientific Apreo 2 SEM expands access to high-performance imaging and analytics to all levels of microscopy expertise. With Thermo Scientific ColorSEM Technology, a unique live elemental imaging capability, compositional information is always available, through the most intuitive interface. Eliminating all the hassle associated with typical EDS implementations, ColorSEM Technology offers unprecedented time to result and ease of use.

    The Apreo 2 SEM poses much smaller demands on users and lab managers with Thermo Scientific SmartAlign Technology, an optics system that aligns itself. Furthermore, the Apreo 2 SEM automates the image fine-tuning process with Thermo Scientific FLASH technology. FLASH Technology executes any necessary corrections to lens centering, the stigmators, and final focus of the image. The combination of these technologies means that users new to electron microscopy can access the high-end performance of the Apreo 2 SEM. Additionally, the Apreo 2 SEM is the only SEM with a 1-nanometer resolution at 10 mm analytical working distance. No longer does long working distance mean poor imaging. With the Apreo 2 SEM, anyone will be able to confidently get great results.

    Key Features

    ⦁ All-round resolution
    All-around nanometer or sub-nanometer resolution performance on materials ranging from nanoparticles, powders, catalysts, and nanodevices to bulk magnetic samples.

    ⦁ Wide range of sample types
    Extreme flexibility for handling a wide range of sample types, including insulators, sensitive materials, or magnetic samples, and for collecting the data that matters most to your application.

    ⦁ SmartAlign Technology
    Less time spent on maintenance with SmartAlign Technology, an optics system that aligns itself.

    ⦁ Live quantitative EDS
    Elemental information at your fingertips with ColorSEM Technology, which provides live quantitative elemental mapping for unprecedented time to result and ease of use.

    ⦁ Advanced automation
    Advanced automation including FLASH for automatic image finetuning, Undo, User Guidance, Maps tiling and stitching

    ⦁ Long working distance
    The only SEM with high-resolution performance (1 nm) and excellent image quality at analytical working distance (10 mm), offering worry-free operation, even for novice users.


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